Baby Shower Feud Instructions

OBJECT: To win the most points by matching the most popular survey answers!


  1. Hand out the Baby Shower Feud Game (PART 1) Cards to each guest.
  2. Choose one person to be a game host, and hand them the answer sheet.
    Game Host Duties: The game host will direct the game, announce the
    answers, and the point values.

How To Play:

This game consists of two parts: The “Baby Shower Feud” game questions and
the “Fast Money Round”. The game starts with the “Baby Shower Feud” PART 1
questions. The top two winners of the “Baby Shower Feud” questions will move
onto the “Fast Money Round” PART 2. If you’re playing with teams of three or
more players, the team chooses a player to play in the “Fast Money Round”.

NOTE: You receive points even if your answers are not in the correct order.

The player/team with the most points wins the game!

Optional Prize Suggestions:

Gift cards, gift baskets, candy, lotion, candles, picture frame, hand sanitizer or soap, etc.